How to decide whether or not to redesign your logo




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Have you ever wondered why some businesses just seem to get it right and effortlessly attract clients? It's not just about having a great service (you’ve already got that.). There's something deeper that's working in their favor.

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When discussing plans for a brand redesign, a common question that many potential clients have is whether or not their logo needs to be factored into the project. It’s a reasonable question, especially when your logo has been around for years and has seemed to work just fine as it is.

Without waxing philosophical about the importance of a well-executed logo, I’ll simply put it this way: your logo is the foundation for your brand’s overall visual identity, as well as its credibility, relevance and memorability.

In other words, the lasting impression your audience has about you and your company comes down, in large part, to whether or not your logo is executed properly (no pressure, though).

Since your brand is (hopefully) being seen by new audiences every day, you want to make sure your logo does its job to attract and engage people. So if you’re doing a brand redesign, your logo should be the first component that you tackle.

Now that we’ve established that, let’s circle back to the question of whether or not your logo actually needs a redesign. Here are three questions to guide your decision:

1. Does this logo indicate what my company is about today?

Your brand and mission have no doubt evolved since starting out. Your logo should represent where you are today, as well as where you’re headed. This alignment benefits you and your brand in a few ways:

  • It demonstrates the strength and endurance of your brand
  • It supports longer-lasting marketing collateral (which means major savings in the long-run)
  • It (most importantly) draws in clients who resonate with who you are and what you’re about

​2. Does this logo translate the same way in different sizes and formats?

With changes in technology – both print and digital – there are far more factors to account for in your logo’s design. That why it’s important now, more than ever, that your logo be as uncomplicated, minimalist and versatile as possible.

For example, online marketing platforms like Facebook and Instagram give you just a small square area for your logo, which is typically viewed on mobile devices. Having a vertical version of your logo lets you maintain its design integrity and still stand out in smaller dimensions.

In addition to being flexible for varying dimensions, your logo should also be simple enough to recognize in varying formats. The general rule of thumb is your logo should still be legible when it’s reduced to smaller than one inch or printed in black, white or grayscale.

​3. Does this logo reflect modern design standards while staying true to its origins?

Let’s face it, most people don’t like change. And if your company has a successful track record, then it’s likely you’ve already established some brand recognition (huzzah!). Even with evolving standards and trends, it’s not always necessary to start from scratch.

Elements of your logo, like the font and color scheme, should show that your brand is relevant and progressive. However, your colleagues, oldest clients and team should also be able to see it and recognize that it’s still you.

Choosing whether or not to redesign your logo is no simple matter. Answering these questions will help steer you in the right direction. Whatever your decision, it’s important that you make it objectively, based on what you believe will be the best move for your brand’s ongoing success.

Ready to jumpstart your brand redesign? I’ve whipped up a step-by-step guide to take you from frustrated to focused and help you plan your project like a pro.

Hey, there!

I'm Kris Jones, and I'm so happy we've connected. Most business owners struggle when writing for their own business. My streamlined process gets them copy that sells in 2.5 hours flat, so they can double revenue and stay in their zone of genius.

Write Compelling Copy in 5 minutes!

Stop missing sales with mediocre copy. I'll share my formula for success so you'll get the right words to help you earn more with less effort—in just 5 minutes.

How to Write Sales Copy That Explodes Revenue

She Sells Radio

Speaker 1 (00:01):

Welcome to She Sells Radio. I'm your host, Elise Archer,

and this is the place where female business owners and sales professionals come

to learn how to sell in a way that feels authentic to them and to break through

six figures in income and beyond. As an entrepreneur, business mentor, wife,

and mom of the most amazing little boy, I'm relentless about having it all in

my own life, and I believe you can be too. I truly believe that when women

believe in themselves and learn how to make more money, the whole world changes

for the better. Join me every week for inspiring interviews with other women

who have achieved big business success, as well as for solo episodes and deep

dive trainings that will help you improve your sales process, earn more money,

and step into the most aligned and powerful version of yourself. And now let's


Speaker 2 (00:58):

Hey there. I hope you're loving today's podcast. We'll be

right back to the episode, I promise. But I wanted to pop in quickly with a

super special offer for you today. Everything we talk about here on She Sells

Radio is a core principle of the transformations that we help clients achieve

in our coaching programs. And whether it's the 10 K Club for women wanting to

break through 10 k plus months, the 50 K Club for women ready to scale to half

a million dollars or more elite private mentoring or corporate speaking and

consulting, the greatest passion of the She Sells team is helping you achieve

big results in your career and your life. And today I want to invite you to

book a free call with our team where you can share more about your goals and

your big vision for yourself or your sales team where you're currently stuck,

and then we'll give you some strategic coaching and explore how the team and I

can help.

Speaker 2 (01:50):

So to book your free coaching call now head to elise call. Again, that's elise call. I can't wait to

chat soon. And now back to the episode. Welcome to G Cells Radio. Right off the

bat, I have to tell you that I am so excited for today's interview because my

guest today is someone who I simply adore and I know that you will as well, and

I'll share her formal background in a second. But before I do, I want to let

you know that our guest, Kris Jones, is one of the brightest minds that I've

ever met in branding and copywriting, and I've met a lot of people in this

space and she's truly one of the best. She's a brilliant entrepreneur, she's an

incredible mom. She's also a former client of mine who I just loved working

with how you have those clients you work with and you're like, oh, I want to

spend my whole life on a call with you.

Speaker 2 (02:43):

She is that person and she's just a phenomenal human

being. And so if you want to uplevel your brand and learn how to create website

copy and positioning that really sells you as the best in your industry, then

today's interview is going to be for, and I'll share just a bit of her formal

bio and background, so the caliber of who our guest is today, and then we'll

get into the interview. So Kris Jones is a StoryBrand guide and founder of Red

Door Designs, mentored by StoryBrand founder Donald Miller himself. And with

over 20 years of experience and clients like Nike under her belt, Kris has been

able to achieve incredible transformations for her clients, including

increasing revenue by 300%, record breaking lead calls and clients booked. I

love this next one. This excites me, scaling from 30 K months to 300 K months.

Who doesn't want that? And charging six times more for the same service. Again,

who doesn't want this? Woman is brilliant. Kris is extremely passionate about

helping self-employed women, get website copy that sells so they can double

their revenue and focus on what they do best. Kris, welcome to She Sells Radio.

We're so, so excited to have you here today.

Speaker 3 (03:54):

I could not be more thrilled to be here today too. Thank

you so much.

Speaker 2 (03:58):

Oh my gosh, yeah, it's so fun. We were chatting before and

I was like, I will literally spend the whole time just catching up with you and

hearing how you are and talking about mom life if we don't get into the

interview. So I was like, let's hit record. I know there's so much for you to

share today. So we're going to get into all of your genius in the world of

storytelling and copywriting. But before we do, I want to just give everyone a

little bit of context for your background. So how did you get into this whole

world of branding and copywriting? How did it become the thing, the gift that

you now offer to the world?

Speaker 3 (04:31):

Yeah. Well, it's funny because when I was in college, this

is kind of like pre-internet days, which tells you I've been at this for a

while. So websites weren't really even a thing. I didn't even know graphic

design was a thing. And so I majored in education and then I enjoyed my

education, but after college, I just knew I wasn't passionate about that path.

And so I took off to Europe for a year and a half, and I ended up in Turkey of

all places on the southern coast of Turkey, and I don't know if anyone's ever

done any long-term traveling that Australians know how to travel. So I

befriended these two Australian women and both of them were graphic designers

and we would just spend, we spent months together traveling and hanging out

together and mostly in Turkey. And so through them, I really learned about the

profession and what it was all about. And I thought, when I get back home, I'm

going to try this. And what happened was the very first class I took within the

first three minutes, I just knew, oh my gosh, this is my thing. This is my

calling. I love

Speaker 2 (05:58):

That feeling.

Speaker 3 (06:00):

And it's one of those really those kind of common things

that you hear all of a sudden. I looked back in my past and I was doing graphic

design and messaging as an 8-year-old kid. I was having my friends over to play

and saying, let's design a Tri-fold brochure. Oh my God, I'm not joking. I love

you. This is what I was doing for fun.

Speaker 2 (06:29):

That is great.

Speaker 3 (06:32):

There are dozens of things like that where when I look

back at my childhood, I'm like, oh yeah, of course

Speaker 2 (06:38):

The writing was on the wall

Speaker 3 (06:40):

Totally, literally and figuratively. And so I just dove in

and I was obsessed and I just cared about nothing else for many, many, many

years. And I think that I definitely did a bunch of work. I worked in-house at

Design Firms and then became an art director at an ad agency and worked

in-house at Nike and Adidas. And I got all this really rich education around

how marketing works, how messaging works, how design works. I really started

out as a visual storyteller. And then over the years I started to realize that

the design isn't enough of a story to tell. It's very important, and I am still

so passionate about design, but what I discovered was that if you don't have

the right words, your design, you can't lean on just your design. You've got to

have the right words to communicate what you do, how you're different to

connect with people. And so as my career evolved, I really started to

prioritize the messaging piece, and I became kind of this story expert, and

again, just dove deep into that learning and practicing that approach and

witnessed the results of the approach, which was even more exciting. So

although I love beautiful design, I really kind of think the foundation of all

effective marketing begins with clear messaging,

Speaker 2 (08:36):

Which you and I were chatting about this a bit in the

pre-chat. It's like it's the hardest thing to do for most business owners. Why

is it so hard for us to come up with effective messaging for ourselves?

Speaker 3 (08:47):

It is downright impossible. I am not kidding you. A

hundred percent of the calls I get on with clients, they say the same thing.

Why is this so darn hard? Why can't I do this? I'm college educated, I'm a good

writer. It's a thing. Why can't I do this for myself? And the beautiful thing

is, it's not because anything's wrong with you, it's really because you're too

close to yourself and you're too close to your own business. And it truly is a

matter of you are inside the bottle trying to read the label that you can only

read from the outside. And so the problem that happens with this is that people

keep trying to do it themselves and they don't have the perspective they need.

And so years go by and they're not proud of, or their messaging's not working

for them, and they finally outsource it to a copywriter. And I mean,

copywriters can cost 10, 20, 30, 40. I had a client who paid 60,000 for website

copy, a sales page just

Speaker 2 (10:01):

For the copy, not even

Speaker 3 (10:03):

For the sales page. And I don't know if that included the

design or not, I'm not sure. I don't think it did. But the reality is, when you

hire a copywriter, they go and create your copy in a silo. And when they do

that, I think everyone has really good intentions, but when you are your own

business, it needs to feel like your own voice. So after many years of doing

that same thing and then coming back and back and forth and time consuming

revisions, and I realized and developed a process that was collaborative. So it

was the best of both worlds. The business owner or the solopreneur can get the

perspective from an expert, but we do it together. So every word really

resonates with your voice, and I'm able to ask the questions to pull out those

parts of you that are genius and those nuances of your industry and your voice,

and even the technicalities of your industry that somebody nobody would know

unless they were really experienced in your industry. So there's so many

benefits to the process, and what happens is it takes a lot less time to do it,

and it feels right. It feels like your voice.

Speaker 2 (11:38):

That's so good. And it's so helpful too because I'll just

say as an entrepreneur, as a small business owner, it's like to your point, you

don't see it when you're in it and it can feel daunting, it can feel

overwhelming, even if you have the prompts yourself to sit down and be like,

okay, I'm going to answer this question and that question, you still, I'm

guessing you probably see this with clients, they minimize things. They think

that things they've done aren't that important or they just don't quite get it

with the positioning. But if someone can pull it out of you, it doesn't feel

quite so painful. It probably is actually fun is having to sit there and figure

it out yourself. Yeah. Oh, okay. It's so good. So Kris, what are some of the

things, I want to talk a little bit about storytelling, because you're a story,

excuse me, story brand certified guide. I know you're great at doing this, and

I think people are getting it more and more today that stories are what sell,

that our brains love stories. That's powerful for selling. But I think it can

also feel a little bit, again, it can feel overwhelming or daunting. How do I

know what stories to tell? What are the keys to telling a good story where I'm

not boring people? So what are some of the keys for effective storytelling that

helps sell your product or service?

Speaker 3 (12:58):

I love that question. Okay, so the main thing, number one,

I just want to honor the challenge of storytelling because we've grown up with

these once upon a time stories. And then now in this modern day and age, we

understand story is important. I'm a business owner, I've got to have a good

story. What's my story? But that these types of stories are kind of quite

different from the once upon a time stories. So there can be confusion around

really what is a story anyway. And I think it's helpful to really define the

recipe of every story. So there are components that are part of every story

you've ever heard, every movie you've ever watched, and every book you've ever

read. And they're quite simple when you boil it down. And that's the beauty of

the StoryBrand approach is it boils it down to kind of the essentials.

Speaker 3 (14:05):

And then I have taken that and boiled it down even more.

So we'll keep it really, really simple. Awesome. But the reality is every hero

has a story. That story begins with a hero that has a problem. So every story

begins with a hero who has a problem, and then eventually about 20 minutes into

a movie, you meet a guide. The guide knows how to solve the problem because

they've been there, done that. And the guide has a plan, a very clear plan that

they can give to the hero. And the plan calls that hero to action. So that's

why your calls to action are actually really important because they establish

you as the guide and your customers as the hero. And so the guide gives the

hero a plan and calls them to action. And then the reality is, if the hero

follows that plan and does the work and is motivated into action, then they

will experience success.

Speaker 3 (15:20):

And one of the roles of the guide is to really paint a

picture of what success actually does look like, what it feels like. And so

when I boil down these three steps, how do they translate to your actual

website, right? It's like, okay, I get it. There's a hero with a problem who

meets a guide with a plan and shows them what success it looks like and that

it's possible. But when you translate this to your website, the one overarching

thing, I want to just make sure that everybody gets, and if you take nothing

else away from this interview, it's the fact that you are the guide and your

client or your customer is the hero. And there's only room for one hero in

every story. And so the mistake I witnessed time and time again, I'm talking

about probably 99% of the websites online today, the business owner.

Speaker 3 (16:27):

And this is just, there's nothing wrong with this. It's

not an ego thing, it's just purely a knowledge thing. So once you know this,

you're going to start identifying it. But most businesses establish themselves

as the hero. And we do that through a lot of i, me, we language. It's all about

us because we're like, okay, it's my website. Of course I'm going to talk about

myself, people want to know about me. But when you establish yourself as the

hero, there's only room for one hero in a story. So you've just kicked your

client out of a narrative with you. You've kicked them out of the story. That's

Speaker 2 (17:13):

So important.

Speaker 3 (17:15):

Yes. Wow. Yeah, yeah. It's really powerful. And so much of

it, I mean if not all of it happens subconsciously, so they don't feel

connected to you, they leave your website, I don't know, I'm not feeling it.

They don't understand why you've just kicked them out of the story and there's

no room for them. They don't see themselves on your website.

Speaker 2 (17:41):

So if we're having an aha moment, if somebody's listening

is having an aha moment, it's like, oh my gosh, I made myself the hero. Didn't

mean to do that. But I have, where do we start? How do we start to shift our

language, shift our positioning to really elevate the customer as the hero?

Speaker 3 (18:00):

So the beautiful thing is it's not that hard. It's really

not that hard. So the number one thing that we can do is really remember I said

the first thing about every story is that a hero has a problem. And so start

really brainstorming what problems your clients come to you with. What is it?

Are they having a hard time writing their own copy? Are they struggling with

moving into the six figure realm? Do they have a home that needs cleaning and

they're just fed up with just how dirty the place is? What are they struggling

with? And the most important thing you can do pretty high up on your website is

just articulate those problems. And there's some really cool things that happen

when you do that. It sounds super simple, just articulate the problems, but you

really want to articulate it in a way that when they read it, they're like, she

gets me.

Speaker 3 (19:06):

Oh my gosh, she gets me. And the first thing that happens

is they feel a connection. And then the second thing that happens is they

automatically think, again, this all happens subconsciously, but they

automatically think if you can articulate their problem, then you are the best

one to solve it. Got it. So what's cool about this is that people don't buy

from the best. And I work with a lot of experts who really are the best in

their field, but people don't buy from the best. They buy from the one that they

feel the most connected to. And that happens through articulating the problems

that they're experiencing.

Speaker 2 (19:53):

Interesting. Wow. When you say it, it's like, of course it

makes perfect sense. But to your point of when you're just doing it and you

can't see the label from inside the jar, we don't think about that necessarily

unless we're trained in this. So this is brilliant. And I want to speak a

little bit too to if you have, first of all, I would imagine most people

listening have a website. We do have quite a few sales professionals as well,

and sales leaders who are listening who may not have a website, but I would say

everyone should have a personal website today. I'm just going to throw it out

there. You should all have a website. So on the homepage of your website, I

know one of the things you teach people to do is literally structure it and

write the copy in a way that repels the wrong people and attracts the right

ones. And I think sometimes people are so afraid to niche down and say

something that's going to just turn people off. But I would love if you could

speak to number one, why is that important? Why do we want to repel people from

our home page? It sounds kind of intuitive, but why? And then two, how do we

start to do that? What are some tips and keys for doing that?

Speaker 3 (21:05):

Well, we really do want to repel the wrong people. I mean,

that's a sign that your website is doing a job for you. They're not attracting

the people that you really want to work with. So it's an important thing to

weave into your website. You don't want to cast such a wide net that you're

working with everybody and then you're dreading some of the projects that

you're working on because they're just not the people that fill you up. So you

do that really. I'm going to repeat just briefly one more time. When you

articulate the problem people, the right people that are experiencing that

problem are really going to connect with you, and the people that aren't

experiencing that problem are not going to connect with you. They're going to

be like, oh, yeah, no, I'm not really dealing with that. And so already

they're, they're not connecting when you're articulating the problem in a way

that's very detailed and nuanced and really the problems relate often to

emotions that are felt, so frustration, fed up, tired of, confused, not sure

where to begin, but they're more clear than that, they're more detailed than


Speaker 3 (22:24):

So I usually start out with most websites below the header

section, which really just defines what you do. I'm an accountant for

entrepreneurs. And then below that, I always start with the hero's problem. And

I do that just with usually three lines that are speaking to the three most

common problems that I'm hearing from my customers. And then I like to follow

that up with positivity. And so what we do after that is really show them what

success looks like. So if you work with me, these are the things that you're

going to experience. Now, one of the things that people kind of mix up about

this section is really they talk about features rather than end results. And so

features are actually really putting you back into that hero role. Here are the

features that when you work with me, and it's not that there's no place for

that, it's just we don't want to lead with that.

Speaker 3 (23:35):

So as the guide, your role is to show them what's

possible, to paint a picture of what's possible for them once overcome this

challenge or struggle that's kind of halting. And so this section follows that

problem section. And I like to use visuals or icons. I think photography can be

a really great way to connect with the right people and to show them what their

life is going to feel like after they've worked with you. So these benefits

might be feel confident about your business. It kind of depends on the industry

you're in, or if it's a weight loss thing, it's like, okay, feel at home in

your body or love, love the way you look in the mirror, things like that. So

not what's life during the process, but what's life after they've engaged with

you. So that's a really important part. And I think yet another way to repel

the wrong people is to show pictures of that happy end result that you create.

And you use photography by, do you work with women? Do you work with men? Do

you work with older people, younger people? And so photography is a great way

to repel the wrong people and attract the right people while you're painting

this vision of success.

Speaker 2 (25:12):

Wow. There's a few key things I took away. I mean, there's

a lot I took away from what you just said, but there's a few key things. I

think one is leading with the problem and honing in on the problem. And I love

how you shared, start with after you say what you do in the header lead with

the problem. I think a lot of people probably do it differently, but honing in

on that, developing that, and I feel like I'm curious to get your feedback.

Most people probably shy away from the problem too much or they're like, I

don't want to create too much pain. Or does that show up? People don't go deep

enough into the problem in their copy.

Speaker 3 (25:46):

Yes, people have resistance to it, a big resistance

because we all want to be positive, we want to be high vibe, and we don't want

to be Debbie Downer, but the reality is there's a lot at stake for these people

and naming the problem, clearly, articulating the problem is really about

empathy. It's really, it's not about being down. It's like, I am going to meet

you right where you are. This is where you're right now, this is what you're

struggling with, and I get it. You are not alone and you are not stuck here.

And so that's, it's not all doom and gloom, but it's a very important part of

every story. And one great example of this is you think of going to a movie,

the last movie you went to, right? Our world today is so busy, we're so

inundated with information. We've got our phones dinging, we've got emails

coming in, we've got kids and businesses and there's to-do lists that are a

mile long, but we go into a movie, movies, a k, a stories.

Speaker 3 (27:08):

So you go into a movie, everything goes away, and you are

fully immersed and fully engaged in this story for an hour and a half or two

hours. What else in our life has that kind of power? And so when you do this

right, it's really the same as a movie. Every movie you've watched starts with

a hero who has a problem that opens up that story loop and it pulls us in and

our brains find it 100% irresistible to disengage. We cannot disengage until we

know that that problem has been resolved. And if the problem's resolved 25

minutes into the movie, guess what? People get up and leave. So the problem

does not get resolved for that hero until the last 10 minutes of the movie, and

that's why we stay engaged that long.

Speaker 2 (28:10):

It's so helpful to pull in examples of that because when

you hear that it's, again, it's kind of an of course moment. So if we can just

model off of movies model off of how things are structured in our sales copy, I

mean, it's fun, it's engaging, it's easier. And to me, I love coming back to

making your customer the hero that feels so good. And then something else you

said that to me, I'd never heard it said that way, but I thought it was so

interesting was I've heard, and I teach too, like sell the destination, not the

journey, right? But when you said, when we speak to features, we make ourselves

the hero again, I thought, Ooh, that's so interesting. I'd never thought about

it that way. It's like a little trap we can fall into because we think we got

to say, you get this many calls with me, you get this type of blah, blah, blah,

but people probably don't care. Do you tell people, just let them ask you that

on a call

Speaker 3 (29:02):

Or how do we

Speaker 2 (29:03):


Speaker 3 (29:03):

That? That's such a good question because features are

important, but what you want to do, at least the first handful of sections on

your website is really create that connection, earn that trust, establish the

roles, establish them as the hero and you as the guide. And then eventually

they're engaged. They want to know you, they want to learn more, and you've

earned their trust for them to spend their time on your website. And so farther

down on the page, I think those features are a great thing to include.

Absolutely. It's not like there's no place for that type of information, but it

really needs to be done strategically and methodically. And so just starting

with yourself as the guide at the beginning of your website, it's not the right

time. You haven't connected and earned the trust to be that role yet. And so

back to the movie analogy, it's like 20, 30 minutes into the movie, then the

guide enters in, but we've established this connection and knowledge about the

hero and their struggle first.

Speaker 2 (30:27):

Yeah, so good. It's a fun kind of easy flow to follow. So

let me ask you this. I think kind of the theme of the conversation so far today

has been sometimes you just don't even know. You don't know you're doing it

wrong or you don't know that there's another way to approach it. You're such a

wealth of knowledge in this space. Is there anything I haven't asked you as it

pertains to copy storytelling, homepage design that you think people should

know or that's important to help convert more sales and attract their ideal


Speaker 3 (31:00):

Yes, definitely. So there's one piece I mentioned a little

bit earlier, which was the hero has a problem and then the guide enters in and

gives them a plan. And so a really important part of your website is detailing

out a very clear plan, but it has to be so simple because what happens is

people are, you're meeting them where they're at, they're having a problem,

they're having a struggle, they don't know how to overcome it, which is why

they're at your website. And then you're painting this picture of what success

looks like for them. And they're like, okay, that's what I want. I want to get

there. But I liken it to the guides on one side of the river and the heroes on

the other side of the river, and you're saying, come over to this side. I got

the goods, I can help you get here.

Speaker 3 (31:54):

And they're like, but how? This river is vast and wide and

there are a lot of rapids going on. I don't know how to get across to that side

of the river. So the plan, what it does is it tells them, oh, it's not as hard

as you think it is in three steps, I'm going to throw three giant boulders into

this river. And each of those boulders is a step to get to your picture of

success. And so the first boulder is always the call to action. What action do

you want them to take next once they're at your website? Typically it's

schedule a call with me. That's probably the most common one. So step one,

schedule a call with me. Step two communicates, you'll get a clear plan or

we'll work together and strategize to come up with blah, blah, blah. So it's

kind of the meat of it. What are you going to do together?

Speaker 3 (33:07):

It often equates to a custom plan or your custom solution.

And then step three is always the happy end result. So if you're a financial

planner, it would be schedule a call with me. Step two, we'll put together a

customized retirement plan based on your values and your lifestyle. And then

step three would be have peace of mind around your retirement and do the things

or spend with joy and ease, right? It's like imagine spending with joy and ease

in retirement because there's enough money for you to last you. And so the step

three is always that happy end result, but that plan is a very important piece

because it shows them that there isn't this vast divide between where they are

and where they want to be. And it also really shows that you are the guide and

that you know how to take them from A to Z and that it's not as painful or

complicated as it might seem right then.

Speaker 2 (34:19):

Yeah. Oh my gosh, this is so good. You're getting me so

lit up and inspired where I'm like, I think I win an update all the copy on my

web. I don't think I've ever said I want to go write copy, but you're literally

getting me so excited to be like, we need to revamp this. This is incredible. Kris,

in a moment, I want you to tell everyone where they can connect with you, and I

want you to talk a little bit too about your offer because it's phenomenal.

Before we do that final question for you, I would love, I mean, I just think, I

love highlighting women on this show who are about success in all areas of

life. So obviously on the show we're all about financial success and financial

abundance and career success, but also about, to me, success is happiness at the

end of the day. So success in all areas of life, personal, professional, what

would you say as a woman who I think demonstrates that, what would you say is

the number one piece of advice you would give to a woman listening who wants to

break through to her next level of success in life?

Speaker 3 (35:23):

Invest in yourself. You do not have to figure this out on

your own. In fact, you usually can't. We all need help with things, but

especially when it comes to copywriting for your own business, that perspective

is so critical and the genius is there. It's all in you, but sometimes you just

need someone to help pull it out or identify those really important nuggets and

ways of showing your value. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (35:59):

Oh, that's so good. That's one thing I believe in and one

thing I preach is when you invest in yourself, you show yourself that you're

worth it. You show the universe that you're worth it. It's like a declaration

of whatever the goal is that I have, I am worth I having it. This is because

I'm so worthy, so beautiful, beautiful advice there. I love that. Kris, I'd

love if you could take a moment and share a little bit. I know you've got a

great freebie, and then I also know you have this incredible offer that I

usually don't have people come on and I actually talk about their offers, but I

want you to talk about it. You were telling me about it earlier and I was like,

oh, it's so good. I think our listeners are going to want to take advantage of

it. So can you share a little bit about how people can connect and move forward

in working with you?

Speaker 3 (36:40):

Yeah, so I am working with female entrepreneurs, and the

offer is essentially StoryBrand website copy that sells in 2.5 hours flat. So

the people I work with, they're busy, they're overwhelmed, they don't have the

time for this long, arduous process of back and forth, and it's a collaborative

program. So the whole experience is two and a half hours, and then you get

website copy that is story branded, tells your story and converts. So it's

really, it's designed for those busy entrepreneurs who are just ready to double

their conversions and have a website that actually does the work of selling for

them so they can just focus more on what they love.

Speaker 2 (37:32):

Oh my gosh, when you told me you have your homepage copy

done, two and a half hours flat, I was like, oh, amazing. Done, sold. And it's

such a no-brainer. So where can people go to find out about that and to get

signed up for a session with

Speaker 3 (37:45):

You? So that door That's

with two D's, red door designs with an

Speaker 2 (37:59):

Awesome. Awesome. And then I know you've also got a really

cool freebie too that people can take advantage of. So tell us a little bit

about that.

Speaker 3 (38:06):

Yeah, so there's a free downloadable video and worksheet

that helps you confidently answer that question. What do you do in a way that

really attracts the right clients and gives you just a lot more confident about

communicating your work? And the really great thing about this freebie is that

it does help you communicate your work and your value, but when you go through

the process, which doesn't take more than 15, 20 minutes, you can use that

copy, you can repurpose it on your LinkedIn profile, you can put it on all your

social media profiles, you can even weave it into your website. So it's kind of

like this workhorse that you can repurpose. You don't have to keep reinventing

the wheel with your story.

Speaker 2 (39:00):

Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. And that is, we're going to

link all this in the show notes, but that's clarity with, right? With Kris

with a K. Yes.

Speaker 3 (39:09):

That's clarity with Kris with a K. Yep.

Speaker 2 (39:13):

Awesome. Oh my gosh, Kris, this has been so fun. I knew I

was going to love the conversation, but you have really, I think, broken down

and made something that feels so overwhelming, so simple, and so approachable.

And so I want to say thank you for doing that because that's no easy feat, but

it just goes to show how having the right process and framework and the right

guide to help you makes all the difference in the world. So super grateful for

you coming on and sharing your genius and your brilliance with all of us today.

Speaker 3 (39:43):

Thank you so much for having me. And I feel the same about

you. I'm continually inspired by how you're showing up and what you're putting

into the world and witnessing the growth of your own business. It's been so

inspiring for me. So thank you. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (40:01):

Thank you so much. Alright to you my listener. I want you

to go connect with Kris again. We're going to link everything in the show

notes, but I would highly encourage you take advantage of that strategy

session. If you're listening to this and you're like, Ooh, yeah, I know I need

to improve my copy. I know I could do a better job there and I want to get it

done fast and with a pro. So take advantage of that. Go connect with Kris and

again, I'm so grateful for you being a member of the She Sells community. Super

grateful to have you as a listener of this show, and I'll see you on our next

episode of She Sells Radio.

Speaker 1 (40:37):

Bye for now.

Speaker 1 (40:42):

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next episode. Bye for now.