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Most business owners miss out on sales because their website copy isn’t working. Kris helps them craft copy that sells in 2.5 hours flat, so they can multiply their revenue and focus on what they do best. 

Kris is the Founder of Red Door Designs and a StoryBrand Guide. Over the past 2 decades, she's worked with some high-profile clients, including Nike and Jeff Bezos, but her favorite people to work with are small business owners.

Kris was mentored by the author of Building a StoryBrand and has been able to help her clients achieve incredible results, including:

• Increased revenue by 300% 

• Record-breaking lead calls and clients booked

• Scaling from 30k months to 300k months

• Charging 6x more for the same service

Kris believes that Story is the most effective way to grow your business. And the process of creating website copy should be quick and easy! The right words have the power to help you amplify profits, enjoy more freedom and make a bigger impact.

Speaking Topics

How to write a sales copy that explodes revenue?

A lot of business owners feel paralyzed when trying to write their own website copy. It's hard to know what to say — especially when you're too close to your own business. Your listeners will walk away with a step-by-step guide on creating a magnetic sales copy that tells a compelling story, creates authentic connections and converts potential clients into paying customers.

How to write a compelling website copy that sells for you in 2.5 hours flat.

A lot of business owners feel paralyzed when trying to write their own website copy. It's hard to know what to say — especially when you're too close to your own business. Your listeners will walk away with a step-by-step guide on creating a magnetic sales copy that tells a compelling story, creates authentic connections and converts potential clients into paying customers

Why hiring a copywriter doesn’t work and what to do instead?

Kris would love to share why hiring a copywriter isn't typically the best way to maximize your results, and why a Collaborative Copywriting Process is. Your audience will walk away with a solid understanding of her signature method of writing sales copy that explodes revenue in 2.5 hours flat. Her tangible tips on how to find a copywriter that will capture your voice & increase profits.

How to find a copywriter that can capture your voice and ensure a return on your investment?

Kris would love to share why simply hiring a copywriter - is not going to maximize your results, but actually, collaboration with a copywriter is the secret way to solve this problem. Your audience will walk away with a solid understanding of her signature method of writing sales copy that explodes the revenue in 2.5 hours flat & her tangible tips on how to look for the right copywriter that will capture your voice & blow up your revenue!

How to attract more clients through effective storytelling?

Most business owners know "telling a story" on their website is important, but they don't know where to begin. Kris will share her shortcut to the StoryBrand framework that focuses on 3 ways to get a website that sells FOR YOU, so you can focus on the work you love and stop wasting time on sales calls! Your listeners will gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals of storytelling so they can leverage the power of the story in all of their marketing materials to increase revenue and simplify their business.

5 Mistakes most business owners make when it comes to website copy and how to fix them

Copywriting is where most business owners get stuck. They procrastinate. They dread it. And it can feel like a never-ending burden. Kris will help your listeners understand the reason why writing your own copy can feel so darn challenging -- because once you understand the why, you can begin to fix it.

  • Why writing your own copy is so hard
  • Why it’s not in your best interest to write your own copy
  • Why outsourcing your copy to save you time, actually ends up taking more time.
  • Why it's impossible to outsource your own voice.
  • How a collaborative approach to copywriting get’s you unstuck, captures your voice and creates effective copy that converts.
